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Space summer school

25/06/2018 - 06/07/2018
Boeretang 200


For more than 15 years, SCK•CEN plays an important role in the pioneering research to enable future human space exploration, for example to the Moon or Mars. We are actively contributing to several space flight experiments as well as numerous Earth-based space analogs. 

The Space Summer School is a multidisciplinary and international learning event for highly-motivated PhD students, early-stage researchers and professionals from a diverse range of educational and professional backgrounds (biomedical scientists, physicists, (bio-)engineers, …), with an interest in life sciences and physical & medical health challenges associated with human space exploration. It combines theoretical classes, practical exercises and technical visits in several domains related to space research and development.


  • Impact of the space environment on human health;
  • Space radiation, radiation dosimetry and radiation protection;
  • Life support and habitation in space;
  • Instrumentation, hardware and nuclear energy in space.


The Space Summer School is aimed at PhD students, as well as early-stage researchers and professionals from industry and agencies, who wish to gain insight in the state of art results in research on space conditions on living matter and materials as well as to discuss the future challenges. A minimum MSc level is required.

The Summer School also gives the opportunity to network with experts in space research and representatives of companies dealing with space applications. The number of participants will be limited to 20.



No specific knowledge is requested.


There is no preparation needed for this training course.

Participants are invited to send in an abstract (max. one page) before May 18, 2018 for a poster presentation during this summer school. The best poster will be awarded.

Please send the abstract to marjan [dot] moreels [at] sckcen [dot] be (marjan[dot]moreels[at]sckcen[dot]be) and academy [at] sckcen [dot] be (academy[at]sckcen[dot]be).


Upon completion of this Space Summer School, participants will have theoretical and applied knowledge on the health and environmental impact associated with (future) human space exploration.

After completion of the course, learners will be able to:

Related to space health effects:

  • Identify and understand the impact of space stressors that have an impact on human physiology in space;
  • Describe the different space analogs on earth to study space health effects and understand the specific characteristics and advantages of these analogs;
  • Describe how medicine and pharmacology are applied in space.

Related to life support and habitation

  • Know the methods to monitor microbial contamination during space missions and perform a practical exercise on this topic;
  • List and describe the different Life Support Systems currently used in space, and explain their characteristics;
  • Define the control and use of microbes to support human life in space and earth;
  • Discuss how Life Support Systems can be based on plants.

Related to space radiation & radiation protection

  • Interpret the different units in radiation dosimetry;
  • Classify the different space radiation types;
  • Illustrate the radiation detection and shielding principles in space;
  • Explain the biological effects of ionizing radiation, and give examples of the different space radiation resistance mechanisms;
  • Understand and interpret the concepts of radiation protection.

Related to instrumentation, hardware and nuclear energy in space

  • Define the hardware and instrumentation issues in space;
  • Describe and discuss  the use of nuclear energy in space applications.


Early bird - PhD student - two-weeks course: 800,00 EUR - before May 1, 2018

Full rate - PhD student - two-weeks course: 1000,00 EUR - as of May 2, 2018

Early-bird - Professionals (academic/non-academic) - two-weeks course: 1500,00 EUR - before May 1, 2018

Full rate - Professionals (academic/non-academic) - two weeks course: 2000,00 EUR - as of May 2, 2018

Early bird - Registration per day: 250,00 EUR - before May 1, 2018

Full rate - Registration per day: 300,00 EUR - as of May 2, 2018

Thanks to the financial support received from the CONCERT project, SCK•CEN will be able to waive the registration fee of a limited number of PhD students. More information can be found under “registration”.

All participants can also apply for a mobility grant with the ENEN+ project (for more information and application, see http://plus.enen.eu).

PhD students and other interested participants are strongly encouraged to subscribe for the entire two weeks of the Summer School. However, partial registration is possible.

Cancellation with total refund is possible until June 1, 2018. Cancellations must be sent via e-mail to marjan [dot] moreels [at] sckcen [dot] be and academy [at] sckcen [dot] be


You can register online using the orange button above until June 4, 2018.

Cancellation with total refund is only possible until June 1. Cancellations must be sent via e-mail to academy [at] sckcen [dot] be [dot] The (academy[at]sckcen[dot]be.)

The registration fee for the two-week course includes

  • Participation to the course, practical exercises and technical visits;
  • Welcome reception on Monday evening June 25, 2018;
  • Coffee breaks & lunches during the course;
  • Training materials and documentation;
  • Certificate of attendance.

The registration fee per day includes

  • Participation to the course, practical exercises and technical visits;
  • Coffee breaks & lunches during the course;
  • Training materials and documentation.

Grants supported by CONCERT

PhD students that wish to apply for a grant should submit the following documents by mail to Marjan Moreels at marjan [dot] moreels [at] sckcen [dot] be with a copy to academy [at] sckcen [dot] be:

  • A motivation letter for application;
  • A CV with a description of the scientific career;
  • A supporting letter from the supervisor/head of laboratory.

The deadline for grant applications is May 11, 2018. Information confirming the acceptance will be sent by May 25, 2018 the latest in order to make the necessary accommodation and travel arrangements.

ENEN+ mobility grants

Participants who are interested in applying for an ENEN+ mobility grant should apply via http://plus.enen.eu. Next deadline is March 31, 2018.


Participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements

  • A pre-registration for hotel accommodation is made at hotel Corbie in Mol, at 68€ per night. Participants are requested to confirm their own reservations directly with the hotel, before May 25, 2018.
  • A limited number of SCK•CEN dormitories will be available for PhD students.

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