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7FP TRASNUSAFE EuroCourse 2 | setting up a management system | a course for managers in the nuclear and healthcare sector

31/03/2014 - 02/04/2014
Club-House - Auditorium 1 & 2 - Roger Van Geen
Boeretang 201


This three-day training course is designed in the framework of the TRASNUSAFE project, in extensive consultations with users of both radiation and the nuclear industry. It is aimed at managers from different sectors and will provide insight into the overall management concept designed for nuclear and healthcare facilities. It consists of a generic module on ‘Managerial competences and leadership for safety culture’, and a specialised module on the setup of a management system with a large emphasis on radiation safety and safety culture.


Course Content

  • Responsibilities, importance and role of management in setting up a management system
  • Context of integrated management systems, including resource management and process implementation
  • Graded approach in the requirements of a management system, in terms of documentation and resources
  • Implementation of an incident notification system within a management structure
  • Measurement, assessment & improvement of a management system
  • Case studies will be used to illustrate these themes


This specialised training course is developed for professionals at a high level of managerial responsibilities in installations making use of ionising radiation, such as hospitals.


Het volledige programma kan hier worden gedownload:

Programme FP7 TRASNUSAFE Eurocourse 2.pdf


The participants are invited to read in advance the following references:

Al  participants are encouraged to prepare a description of one specific case concerning an incident in safety, and focusing on organizational aspects they are facing in their own organization. Those cases fitting best the aims of the seminar will be selected by the Facilitator for the problem solving sessions. These descriptions need to be sent to academy [at] sckcen [dot] be (academy[at]sckcen[dot]be) by Thursday March 27, and they will only be used for the benefit of this course, and will only be shared between with the attendees.

The participants are also invited to bring one example of a policy and a process map (or at least one process flow) of their own organisation. These documents will be used in the exercises during the course.


Upon successful completion of this training course, the participants will be able to:

In terms of Knowledge

  • Understand the concept of management systems;
  • Define the role, importance and essential responsibilities of management in setting up a management system;
  • State the context of integrated management systems;
  • Introduce structure in the management system documentation;Explain requirements regarding human resources and working environment;
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of performing self-assessment and independent assessment of a management system;
  • Explain how to control non-conformance by identification, reporting and initial actions and attribute the corrective and preventive actions;
  • Explain how to make continuous improvement of a management system;

In terms of Skills

  • Develop a questioning attitude towards safety in a management structure;
  • Apply a graded approach in the requirements of a management system, in terms of documentation and resources;
  • Evaluate resource management, including provision of resources, human resources, infrastructure and working environment resources;
  • Identify, analyse and develop organisational policies;
  • Develop and implement an incident notification system within the management structure;
  • Develop and manage processes, including the review of generic management system processes;
  • Carry out the measurement, assessment & improvement of a management system;

In terms of Competences

  • Support a strong safety culture embedded in an integrated management system.


The course fee is € 1935 (incl. VAT), including course material, two nights’ accommodation and catering (coffee breaks and meals). In case the participants need an extra night on Sunday, please inform us via academy [at] sckcen [dot] be (academy[at]sckcen[dot]be).

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application (https://registrations.app.sckcen.be/E-terminal/PlaceOrder?mode=1/) for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE 58 5502 7124 0079 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. The addressof the bank is Dexia Bank, Koning Albert II laan 30b2, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code GKCCBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "Academy course TRASNUSAFE" and your name on the bank transfer.


You can register by clicking on the registration button above. Cancellation with total refund is only possible up to 2 weeks before the beginning of the course.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer before the beginning of the training course. You can use our E-terminal application (https://registrations.app.sckcen.be/E-terminal/PlaceOrder?mode=1/) for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE 58 5502 7124 0079 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. The address of the bank is Dexia Bank, Koning Albert II laan 30b2, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code GKCCBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "Academy course TRASNUSAFE" and your name on the bank transfer.

If you need an invoice, please let us know and provide to us your invoice data. The invoice will be sent to your organisation after the training course.

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