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SCK CEN Nature walk

Welcome to the SCK CEN site!

With more than 370 hectares, the SCK CEN site can easily be called large! In addition to the company site, there is also the forest, the grassland in the valley and the golf course. Each land has its own unique location, history and green particularities. You can discover these for yourself, because most of it is open to the public. So put on those walking shoes for our magnificent nature walk!

2021 Natuur wandeling SCK CEN Mol

Nature is also about people

Why does SCK CEN consider nature so important? Because biodiversity and landscape preservation benefit the health of our region. A green environment that is responsibly cared for contributes to the well-being of our staff members and our neighbours. Nature is also about people. Experience it for yourself during our nature walks.

(Re)discover our rich nature! Enjoy the forest, grasslands, moorland and sandy soils. Welcome to SCK CEN's green land!

What can I expect?

  • 2020 Biodiversiteitsproject SCK CEN heivlinder

    Colourful insects

    The grayling butterfly, strawberry spider, grey-backed mining bee, antlion and megarhyssa – which hunts for wasp larvae in the bark of birch trees with its long stinger – are flourishing in our nature.

  • 2021 Biodiversiteit gekraagde roodstaart

    Campine birds

    The common redstart breeds and chattering siskins hunt for food on the alder-cones here.

  • 2021 Biodiversiteit SCK CEN dalkruid

    Rare plants

    In the spring, May lilies are in bloom, which are a plant that is only found in very old forests – i.e. forests that have existed uninterrupted since 1780. As things warm up, other rare spring flowers appear here and there: the spotted orchid, greater yellow-rattle and marsh gentian.

  • 2020 Biodiversiteitsproject SCK CEN

    Scottish Highlanders

    We use Scottish Highlanders to keep the vegetation in check. These horned cattle ensure the grassland is naturally grazed, giving the spring flowers the chance to show themselves off.

Practical information

Winter 2022: SCK CEN forests are being thinned out

The thinning operations will begin in early 2023. During that period, parts of the forest will not be accessible. Not to worry, you can still enjoy our nature walk! Would you like to know why we will be thinning out the forest and what we want to achieve by doing so? Then click ahead now!

  • 2021 Natuur wandeling SCK CEN Mol 5.2km

    5,2 km

    Departure and arrival

    Departure point: Boeretang 11, 2400 Mol, Belgium

    Free parking: yes


    Start at walking junction 56.

    Then follow junctions 55, 63, 69, 67, 68, 70, 72, 71, 56.

    Download the map

  • 2021 Natuur wandeling SCK CEN Mol 10.3 km

    10,3 km

    Departure and arrival

    Departure point: Boeretang 11, 2400 Mol, Belgium

    Free parking: yes


    Start at walking junction 56.

    Then follow junctions 55, 63, 69, 65, 64, 62, 22, 78, 66, 59, 54, 84, 85, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 67, 68, 70, 72, 71, 56.

    Download the map

2021 Natuur wandeling SCK CEN Mol

From forest and grasslands to sandy soils and the heathland

Doing great things with the atom as the smallest particle? That is our challenge. And every day we do this in the middle of a beautiful setting: the Mol nature that stretches all across the SCK CEN sites. But we do want to turn that nature into so much more.

How? By not choosing tightly landscaped limits, but rather ‘wild’ grasslands, heaths and forests that characterise our region. By investing to the maximum in nature around, on and in our new buildings. By working together with surrounding neighbourhood businesses on the same nature goals. And by making fauna and flora, such as the rare grayling butterfly, feel more at home than ever thanks to good maintenance, the right green investments and a sustainable vision for the future.

Atmospheric images from the nature walk

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