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Topical Day | Public participation in Science and Technology

Auditorium 1 & 2
Boeretang 201


In recent years, we have witnessed an explosion of both invited and uninvited forms of public participation in science and technology. Think of consensus conferences on new and emerging technologies like nanotechnologies, "partnership" approaches to the governance of nuclear waste, technology assessments, and public outcries over genetically modified organisms. Whereas it has been argued that public participation in science is losing much of its sway, or that it is a passing fad, recent developments suggest that "participation" in science and technology is continuously being remade and reinvented. These developments include the rapid emergence of citizen science, garage science, living labs, and art-science forms, among many others. In light of these developments, this Topical Day asks how public participation in science and technology is transformed in the face of new challenges, opportunities, and events. Speakers from a wide range of sociotechnical fields and contexts will provide their views on this question by drawing lessons from past experiences and by reflecting on the present and future of public participation in science and technology.


The following topics will be treated:

  • Contemporary forms of public participation in science and technology (e.g. citizen science, garage science, art science) in and beyond the nuclear field
  • Remaking of participation in science and technology


Scientists, technologists, researchers, engineers, decision makers, practitioners, students, and anyone with an interest in public participation in science and technology.


Required Knowledge

No pre-knowledge is required in order to attend this Topical Day.


No preparation is needed in order to attend this Topical Day.


Early birds registration: € 80 (VAT incl, until November 14, 2016)

Late registration: € 100 (VAT incl, as from November 15,2016)

Free registration for lecturers, students and SCK•CEN collaborators

Registration info

You can register by clicking on the registration button above until November 28, 2016 taking into account the availability of 100 places. Cancellation with total refund is only possible up to November 28, 2016.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application ( for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE 58 5502 7124 0079 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. The address of the bank is Belfius, Koning Albert II laan 30 b2, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code GKCCBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "TD NST" and your name on the bank transfer.


The Topical Day is held at the Lakehouse of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 201, BE-2400 Mol, Belgium.

Rooms can be booked directly via the Lakehouse website or via info [at] lakehouse [dot] be (info[at]lakehouse[dot]be).

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