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ANNETTE training course on nuclear safeguards

04/02/2019 - 15/02/2019
Boeretang 200


The course is aimed to provide an introduction to nuclear safeguards and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Following the efforts of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), this course contributes to enlarge the number of university students and young professionals aware of these themes.

The course units cover both technical aspects of nuclear safeguards inspections such as radiation detectors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities, as well as the history of nuclear non-proliferation and the relevant legal frameworks.

The first week is organised by the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology and takes place at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse in Mol, Belgium.

The scond week is organised by Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. For more information about the practical organisation of the 2nd week, contact Mr. Thomas Krieger (t [dot] krieger [at] fz-juelich [dot] de (t[dot]krieger[at]fz-juelich[dot]de)).

This course frames within the H2020 ANNETTE project (Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education and Training and Transfer of Expertise).


The course topics cover both technical aspects of nuclear safeguards inspections such as radiation detectors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities, as well as the history of nuclear non-proliferation and the relevant legal frameworks.

The course is made of the following topics:

  • History of non-proliferation and safeguards and case study assignment;
  • Fuel cycle and non-proliferation;
  • Legal frameworks;
  • Nuclear material accountancy;
  • Illicit trafficking;
  • Non-destructive assays and hands-on exercise;
  • Probabilistic and statistical methods for nuclear safeguards.


This training course is targeted to university students and young professionals working in the field.


Required Knowledge

Due to the large scope of the training course, no specific background is required to attend the course.


This training course frames within the H2020 ANNETTE project and is therefore free of charge for all participants.

However, registration is mandatory both via  and the SCK•CEN Academy website.

Registration info

You can register for the course by clicking on the orange registration button above until January 7, 2019, taking into account the availability of 60 places.

Please don't forget to also register for this course on the ENEN website via the following link:

The training course includes

  • Participation to the course, practical exercises and technical visits;
  • Coffee breaks;
  • Welcome dinner on Monday February 4, 2019;
  • Training material and documentation;
  • Certificate of attendance.

Participants to the course need to pay their own lunch (foreseen at the SCK•CEN cafeteria) and dinner (own initiative).

SCK•CEN reserves the right to cancel a training course or event (e.g. in case of low number of registrations) without reimbursement of already made travel and accommodation arrangements.


Participants are requested to make and pay their own travel arrangements.

A pre-registration for hotel accommodation of 20 rooms is made at the Corbie Hotel in the city centre of Mol ( Participants are requested to arrange and confirm their own reservations directly with the hotel via mol [at] corbiehotel [dot] com (mol[at]corbiehotel[dot]com) by mentioning "ANNETTE training course".

Daily transport between the Corbie Hotel and the training venue will be provided by SCK•CEN.

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