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7FP GENTLE intersemester course | Nuclear data processing and use in nuclear applications

14/11/2016 - 18/11/2016
Retieseweg 111


The main objective of the course is to explain how to process nuclear data libraries and prepare them for use in nuclear applications. Introductory lectures on neutron induced nuclear data, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, and deterministic and Monte Carlo methods in nuclear applications will be given. Nuclear data processing codes and tools such as NJOY, JANIS and SANDY will be presented through practical exercises.


The following topics will be treated:

  • Nuclear data libraries and databases
  • Tools for formatting and processing of nuclear data
  • Integral benchmarking of nuclear data
  • Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of nuclear data
  • Deterministic and Monte Carlo methods for neutron transport


The course is primarily aimed at Master and PhD students, however also suited for post-docs and young researchers, with background in nuclear engineering and reactor physics.


The full programme can be downloaded here:

Programme GENTLE intersemester course 2016.pdf

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to

In terms of knowledge:

  • Outline the importance of neutron induced reactions for nuclear applications
  • Compare nuclear data libraries
  • Understand the importance of sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation
  • Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of deterministic and stochastic methods

In terms of skills:

  • Process and format nuclear data
  • Prepare nuclear data libraries for use in nuclear applications
  • Use integral benchmark experiments for validation of nuclear data
  • Manage uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis

In terms of competences:

  • Be aware of the importance of nuclear data for nuclear applications


For graduate and post-graduate students of academic institutions the intersemester course is free of charge. The course is funded by the GENTLE project, EURATOM Fission Training Schemes of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme. The intersemester course is organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC Geel), the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology (SCK•CEN), the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Lecturers in this training course can also participate free of charge.

Registration info

Please register using the registration button above. Deadline for registrations:

- for non-EU citizins: September 30, 2016

- for EU citizins: October 14, 2016

The intersemester course is organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (Geel), the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology (SCK•CEN), OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

The GENTLE project will cover the following costs:

  • Attendance to the course
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch (5×)
  • Event Dinner (1×)
  • Shuttle from Geel/Kasterlee/SCK•CEN to JRC-IRMM

Other costs are to be supported by the participant (e.g. travel from home country, accommodation, etc.).


The participant has to make his/her own reservation for accommodation, please find below some suggestions from the organizing committee.

Limited places are available at the SCK•CEN dormitories (budget-friendly). For reservations, please directly contact Mrs. Nora Lemmens via nora [dot] lemmens [at] sckcen [dot] be, tel. + 32 14 33 23 74. More information on the prices can be found on

Alternatively, a reservation for a hotel room can be done directly via the Lakehouse hotel by e-mail info [at] lakehouse [dot] be (info[at]lakehouse[dot]be).

Prices for a hotel room are:

- Single room parking view: 76 € (breakfast incl.)

- Single room lake side view: 88 € (breakfast incl.)

Other suggestions: Motel Cleo (affordable), Turnhoutsebaan 163, 2460 Kasterlee (website:, e-mail: motel [dot] cleo [at] skynet [dot] be (motel[dot]cleo[at]skynet[dot]be)).

Payment of the accommodation should be covered by the participants.

Transport from the SCK•CEN Lakehouse/dormitories (lodging) to EC-JRC Geel (course venue) will be offered free of charge and organized by EC-JRC Geel.

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