Customized training courses in decommissioning and decontamination
As the number of power plants and other nuclear installations facing their decommissioning phase has grown, attention for this “end of life” period becomes more and more important for the nuclear community. As a consequence, the need for knowledge and skills on how to prepare the decommissioning, how to proceed with the technical operations and how to implement an adequate radiation protection program is emerging.
Based on the experience gained during the European pilot project of the decommissioning of BR3 and taking advantage of our involvement as advisory body in the decommissioning of the Belgian research reactor Thetis of the Ghent University and of the MOX fuel production facility Belgonucléaire, the SCK CEN Academy has developed several training modules that serve a training course on decommissioning of nuclear installations.
SCK CEN Academy training courses on decommissioning of nuclear installations focus on strategies to be implemented, legal and economic issues, technical options for cutting operations as well as for the waste management and the radiation protection programs.
Target audience
Our courses are developed for decommissioning stakeholders such as regulators, plant managers and operators, health physicists, and technical service organizations (already involved by decommissioning operations or planning such operations in the coming months of years).
Available modules
- Legal and regulatory framework
- Strategies for decommissioning
- Decommissioning project management
- Safety aspects and management
- Dose follow-up: individual and workplace monitoring
- Optimization tools (VISIPLAN)
- Inventory, facility and site characterization
- Material management and characterization
- Dismantling operations
- Decontamination techniques
- Final survey plan and safety report
- Case studies
- BR3-Pressurized Water Reactor
- Belgonucléaire MOX production facility
- Thetis Research Reactor
Courses are given by top-level SCK CEN scientists and engineers with solid expertise in their research domain. Furthermore, they have followed learning facilitator training sessions and can thus transfer their theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the course participants efficiently and effectively.
European context
In the framework of the European ELINDER project (European Learning Initiatives for Nuclear decommissioning and Environmental Remediation), also a specialised training course is organised on 'Decommissioning licensing and environmental impact assessment'.
View the calendar for the next training course in decommissioning and decontamination.