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Engineer our future

Werken als ingenieur bij SCK CEN (2018)

Start applying your knowledge

Engineers will meet an interesting environment to apply their knowledge at SCK CEN. And with a number of ambitious ongoing projects, like MYRHHANURA and RECUMO, we are looking to reinforce our team with determined engineers who want to turn innovative ideas into reality.

Any engineer that wants to design, construct and test unprecedented applications will find a home at SCK CEN.

Your career path as an engineer

  • As an engineer at SCK CEN, you can oversee the entire development process and the implementation of innovative nuclear applications.

  • Our engineers find themselves at the crossroad of interdisciplinary research, which, of course, leads to unprecedented collaborations. To stay on top of your respective field, you’ll receive continuing training sessions.

  • At SCK CEN, you will have cutting-edge infrastructure at your disposal, helping you to perform game-changing nuclear research projects.

Werken als ingenieur bij SCK CEN (2018)

We are looking for all kinds of engineering disciplines

At SCK CEN, we welcome every aspect of engineering. Trained nuclear engineers work with controlled hot cells – assisted by a dedicated team of operators. Other types of engineers (electro-mechanics, thermal hydraulics, civil engineering, …) have the opportunity to design, construct and test unique applications throughout SCK CEN.

I’m proud to work here. We do things that only few people in the world can do.
Bert Rossaert, Engineer

Bert Rossaert, Design Engineer: Civil engineers, industrial engineers, nuclear engineers,... We all like to be involved in various stages of a project. And that’s what you can do here, at SCK CEN – from designing and testing to updates and maintenance. If you’re committed to our cause, the projects will always pay you back in satisfaction.

The most exciting moment? When we have completed a nuclear test set up. Even though you’re absolutely sure you did everything right and everything has been stress-tested, the moment you press ‘start’ in a nuclear environment is something else. That adrenaline never goes away.

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