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Thesis and internship topics

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  • A survey to understand the variance reduction techniques using the experimental data

    Physique de Systèmes nucléaires

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  • AI-Driven dynamic radiological source-term model for radiation protection in D&D

    RP Dosimétrie et Calibrage

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    Recherche & Engineering Réacteur

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  • Analysis of Generative AI tools and approaches for enterprise-oriented nuclear engineering

    Recherche & Engineering Réacteur

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  • Comparison of MC-based depletion codes used for radioactive inventories in proton beam accelerators

    Physique de Systèmes nucléaires

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  • Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete - Engineering models/publications

    Déchets et Enfouissement

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  • Development of a radionuclide data processing tool with tailored flagging criteria and analyses for

    Impact & Site Remediation

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  • Durability assessment of innovative binders for radioactive waste immobilization

    Déchets et Enfouissement

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  • Effect of Pb chemistry on hydraulics in lead-cooled reactors

    Recherche & Engineering Réacteur

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  • Graphical user interface for a material test information system in R Shiny

    Matériaux de Structure

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  • Identification of fission products affecting the criticality safety and fuel storage of reactor fuel

    Physique de Systèmes nucléaires

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  • Internship on investigating mixed oxide (MOX) spent nuclear fuel materials

    Matériaux de Combustible

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  • Modelling in support of the decommissioning of the 40 MeV Medical Cyclotron of VUB (Brussels)

    Physique de Systèmes nucléaires

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  • Multicriteria decision support tool for sustainable remediation including valorisation of waste

    Impact & Site Remediation

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  • Robust quantification of radiological data aqcuired with UAVs

    Impact & Site Remediation

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  • System/Design Engineering - conceptual design facility for Lead/Oxygen management in Small Modular R

    Recherche & Engineering Réacteur

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  • Thermodynamic modelling of radionuclide release in lead-cooled reactors

    Recherche & Engineering Réacteur

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  • Towards insights of formation, growth and degradation of thin oxide films on steels in liquid lead

    Recherche & Engineering Réacteur

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  • Towards new migration mechanisms of radioisotopes in metal melting to reduce nuclear waste

    Déchets et Enfouissement

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  • Visualizing Qualitative Data: Exploring Innovative Approaches for Improved Communication

    Science, technology and society

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