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6th national PhD symposium on molecular plant physiology | plants united against climate change

Conference room Neutron (auditorium)
Gravenstraat 3


As we stand at the intersection of climate change and a growing global population, the impending challenges in meeting the rising demands for food, fuel and materials, while contending with diminishing arable lands, are more evident than ever. As emerging leaders in plant science, our commitment to addressing these challenges through innovative research is unwavering.

Building on the success of last year's conference, we are delighted to announce the 6th Annual National PhD Symposium on Molecular Plant Physiology. This year's symposium will be hosted by SCK CEN at Tabloo on September 16, 2024. Organized by dedicated PhD students, this event serves as a vital platform for fellow researchers from across Belgian universities to share their groundbreaking plant-focused studies.

The conference provides a unique opportunity for early-career researchers to sharpen their presentation skills in a supportive and collaborative atmosphere. PhD students will present their work (oral or poster) on topics related to plant biology, and interact in a friendly environment.With 12 presentation slots available, this symposium ensures ample time for in-depth discussions, fostering connections among peers and facilitating engagement with other Belgian plant-focused research groups in a local, low-stress setting.

Join us for a day of intellectual exchange and networking as we collectively strive to meet the challenges of our changing world through pioneering plant research!


Registration for this event is mandatory but free of charge.

Informations sur l'inscription


Registration for this event is mandatory and free of charge.

The deadline for general registration is August 9, 2024 . Please complete the registration form before the deadline. Your timely registration ensures a seamless experience at the conference.

Abstract submission

We encourage enthusiastic students to actively contribute to the conference by presenting their innovative work through either a presentation or a poster. For those aspiring to present their research, please send your abstract to brix [dot] de [dot] rouck [at] sckcen [dot] be before the deadline of May 31, 2024 . Candidates will be notified of the jury’ s decision by July 31, 2024 . Abstracts not selected for a symposium talk will be offered the opportunity to present a poster. The abstract has a limit of 400 words.

Oral presentation

12 speakers will be selected for a 10 minute presentation followed by 5 minutes Q&A. Presenters will be asked to send their presentation file ( PowerPoint format) upfront.

For an ideal on-screen display, select slide 16 : 9 screen size.

Poster presentation

The poster size is A0 - 120 cm (height) x 80 cm (width), presented in portrait orientation. To facilitate the poster presentation process, pins will be provided to fix posters to the display boards. Information about the location of your poster will be provided at the registration desk.

Authors are kindly requested to be present in front of their poster during the designated time slot in the conference program to answer questions related to their research.


The symposium will be held at Tabloo, Gravenstraat 3, 2480 Dessel.

To promote the use of public transport, a shuttlebus from/ to the Mol station will be made available for all registered attendees.

People joining by car are encouraged to carpool where possible.

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