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Nuclear Role Play contest

Design a role play about nuclear science.



With this Nuclear Role Play Contest, SCK CEN wants to broaden your knowledge of nuclear science and its applications and, at the same time, test your team skills, creativity and critical mind.

Challenge of the contest

Think, in a team, of a role play on nuclear science and technology, make a suitable prop and create a supporting educational package.

  • Form a team of four students from the third degree of secondary education within one and the same school in Belgium.
  • Ask a teacher to act as your coach.
  • You can register up to 1 December 2019.
  • Watch the introductory webinar series for inspiration.
  • Then develop, with the support of your SCK CEN mentor, a short role play. Make an original educational package and prop.
  • A jury of SCK CEN experts will assess the entries and invite the best six teams for the finals.
  • Give it all you have while staging your role play during the finals and go get that prize.

Entering the contest is free of charge.

Please consult the contest rules.

Webinar series

The contest will be initiated by an inspiring introductory webinar series during which you and your teacher/coach will learn more about:

  • Ionising radiation – 24.09.2019
  • Radiation protection – 01.10.2019
  • Peaceful applications – 08.10.2019
  • Nuclear research at SCK CEN – 15.10.2019

The webinars are broadcasted during four consecutive weeks on Tuesday between 12.15 and 13.00 h. After every webinar, there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions.

Developing a script, prop and educational package

The role play, which should last 10 to 15 minutes, is to be built around three aspects:

  • A discovery in the field of nuclear science and technology
  • The explanation of this scientific phenomenon
  • A link to a peaceful application

The prop that is made will be used during the final performance. The educational package should contain scientifically correct additional information regarding the role play. You can use a format of your choice. Every team is supported by a mentor from SCK CEN.


During the finals on 20 May 2020, six selected teams will stage their role play, after which the jury will announce its final assessment. During the subsequent award ceremony, the best three teams will receive a prize.

Important dates

02.09.2019 – 1.12.2019: Online registration

24.09.2019 – 15.10.2019: Webinar series

25.10.2019: Submitting of ‘discoverer – phenomenon – application’

31.10.2019: Designation of SCK CEN mentor

24.01.2020: Submitting a description of the concepts

09.04.2020: Submitting of script, educational package and a description of the prop

30.04.2020: Announcement of finalists

20.05.2020: Finals, award ceremony, visit of SCK CEN


Email: academy [at] sckcen [dot] be  


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