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Dosimetry calibrations

We provide accurate and consistent calibrations of dosemeters and irradiations of samples assuring; the traceability of the measurements to the international standards. SCK CEN maintains and develops standards for metrology of ionizing radiations and contributes to the dissemination of the international standard units to the end users.


Laboratory for Nuclear Calibrations (LNK)

The Laboratory for Nuclear Calibrations (LNK) of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) operates a calibration building constructed in 2021 and equipped with modern irradiators, reference instruments and automated data acquisition software.

LNK performs dosimetry calibrations with γ-rays, X-rays and neutrons for almost any type of dosemeter used in research institutions, nuclear power plants, industry and hospitals. Irradiations of dosemeters or any kind of sample in general are also performed at LNK as a simplified case of calibrations.

Our dosimetry calibration service was one of the first services of SCK CEN that obtained the BELAC accreditation. In the meantime, we have accumulated more than 30 years of experience.

Accreditation certificate


Designated Institute for metrology of ionizing radiation in Belgium

Traceability of measurements to international standards is the done through secondary standards calibrated directly at primary standard laboratories like PTB (D), VSL (NL) or NPL(UK) or directly using primary standards of LNK itself like is the case for Kair calibrations in Co-60 beam. LNK has a strong interest in characterizing and adopting other primary standards in order to reduce the measurement uncertainty.

SCK CEN/LNK is the Designated Institute (DI) for metrology of ionizing radiation in Belgium. The activities of LNK fit in the branch of metrology of ionizing radiation, sub-field of dosimetry (CCRI (I)) and neutron measurements (CCRI (III)) according to the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). LNK is member of BIPM and EURAMET regional metrology network with active participation in European research projects for dosimetry. LNK is also member of IAEA Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) network.


The activities of LNK may be related to following examples of applications:

  • Radiation protection in all nuclear installations including research centers, power plants and hospitals;
  • Reference dosimetry in the radiotherapy departments of hospitals for all beam qualities (e.g. Co-60, MeV photons, electrons, proton or C-12 beams);
  • Irradiation of biological samples for studies related to cancer treatment (radiobiology) or environment protection (radioecology);
  • Tests or characterization of new types of dosemeters and radiation detectors;
  • Dosimetry measurements in space for example in the International Space Station (ISS);
  • Material testing;
  • Characterization of radiation detectors used for safeguards and non-proliferation measurements.

Our offer

LNK performs dosimetry calibrations and irradiations using state-of-art irradiators with a high degree of automation and flexible measurement set-ups and delivers to customers ISO 17025:2017 reports with low measurement uncertainties and full traceability to international standards.

LNK has specially designed irradiators for dosimetry calibrations and irradiations with beams of Co-60, Cs-137 γ-rays, 10-300 kV X-rays, Cf-252 and Am-Be neutrons and Sr-90/Y-90 β particles. The calibration set-ups are flexible and almost any commercial or prototype dosemeter from the market can be calibrated.  Irradiations of dosemeters for type-testing and of other samples (electronic equipment, biological samples) are also performed routinely at LNK. The irradiations can be considered just a particular case of calibration, where the reading is done by the customer, at a later stage, instead of being done by the staff of LNK. A list of ISO 17025 calibrations and measurement capabilities (CMC) available at LNK is provided below.

Reporting is done in form of a calibration or irradiation certificate following all recommendations of ISO 17025:2017 standard. The customer can choose the language of the certificate to be Dutch, French or English.

Calibrations and Measurement Capabilities (CMC) available at LNK

  • Calibrations and irradiations with gamma sources of Cs-137 and Co-60

    in terms of Kair and all derived operational quantities H*(10), Hp(10),  Hp(0.07), and Hp(3).

    More information

  • Calibration of radiotherapy grade cylindrical and plane-parallel ionization chambers

    in terms of absorbed dose to water NDw and in terms of air kerma Nk in Co-60 beam (TRS-398, NCS-18)

    More information

  • Calibrations and irradiations with X-ray photons from 10 kV up to 300 kV

    in terms of Kair and all derived operational quantities H*(10), Hp(10),  Hp(0.07), and Hp(3).

    More information

  • Calibrations and irradiations with neutron sources of Cf-252 and 241Am-Be

    in terms of neutron fluence and derived operational quantities H*(10) and Hp(10).

    More information

  • Efficiency calibrations of surface contamination monitors with β/α sources

    of Sr-90, Cl-36, Cs-137, Co-60, C-14 and Am-241

    More information

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